Tuesday, March 25, 2014

An Iconoclast Looks at 55 on Facebook 25 Year Death Song Indiegogo Project Blog Post 18


An Iconoclast Looks at 55 on Facebook

In this wonderful world where everyone desires fame, fortune and, after much fooling around family, I have followed a track through often lonely territory seeking I never knew what for reasons I could never find the words to express to anyone. I have had a life filled with study, creative expression, had the privilege to serve other persons, runaways, addicts, lost minds like my own who have not had my privileges and education, veterans suffering an ignoble life for their service, persons battered and abused by the ones who should love them., and out here in the night doing things that we wish they would not. I get each their attention and wait quietly, most come around, do their own test of me, then I wait for the flood that often comes. After so many I understand that I have no advice beyond helping find services, that they hate and with good reason. I have time for them, just so. For street people a chance to talk things out to someone who will listen to the turns of mind we all have to work through. I once had an unhappy man in dirty tattered clothes and high aroma tell me his of sufferings of decades in full detail. He talked all night almost to dawn. At last he had no more to tell, he stood up and stretched, then told me that I was the first person he had talked to in more than two years.

I can’t measure what my practice is worth, I could not possibly do it for pay; it can only come from my heart, and I am truly the wealthiest man I have ever encountered. I chase the unknown expression of the complexity, and truth and illusion embodied in the diverse aspects of what we know as money, capital and philanthropy. This dharma was planted as a seed in me with Walden by Thoreau in public high school. Just the relationship there that (paraphrasing) “money gets between us and our objects and provides them for us,” cut deep into me, and I have bled a little each day since, for I cannot have my family without reconciling this equation. 

Perhaps here I vowed to devote my heart and life to the power of the fine distinction. Clear thought demands real change in a person. Language is so tenuous that it causes tremendous misunderstanding and suffering to all persons on all days. So what? I don’t pretend to know the answers but life’s sufferings must be met by the process and creative skill persons can use to answer their own desires.

I have been a week now on Facebook. They claim it is free but it has demanded too much of my time already to accept that! I want to thank by name the several friends there that have helped me and pointed out tools of perception but I can’t, held back by my modestly and defense of others privacy. So look here: I love you each, but I am easy at this. My heart is too soft, so I have had to keep a hard exterior and a lone demeanor to hold to my own purpose. I urge each of you reading to love your ambitions the same yourself.

This has been on my mind for some time, had to do something and this is what I could manage.

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