About The Music

The Music has Great Meaning to Me

 Each musical framing aspect of my posts on this blog represent dharmas that form my mind, my heart and my life. The music makes my life joyous and eases my suffering when things are not going my way, as I know the music you love does each of you.

Thanks to the generosity of the artists, the forbearance of their record and publishing companies, and of course youTube I am privileged to share these songs and videos with you here in the context of my Indiegogo Project narrative.The narrative telling how I went from nothing to gaining the love and promise of marriage to the most perceptive and knowing woman I have ever come in contact with, the amazingly beautiful and wise wife I scarcely believed I would ever win. This we have however the project ends, but receiving just a fraction of our money goal is all we need to bring my lover to me from across the ocean from Lagos, Nigeria, in Africa.

I have precious little time remaining to achieve the monetary portion of this project, and your contribution will be so appreciated, and is so needed by Cindarella and me, Donald’

 Please click above on 8-year old me dressed like 
Sitting Bull and make a contribution now please.

Something important, and great artwork will come of it!

Cindarella gets any color Wedding she likes

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