Sunday, April 20, 2014

Its Boils Down To Decision I Reckon Post 33

Tell Me what huh

My TexasCity Spirit Cindarella Cole (ostensibly)

Its Boils Down To Decision I Reckon

Down to the wire now, with the woman who has blessed me with exactly the attention and challenge I needed to turnaround, as I have hoped I would do for some few years passed; but without conviction that I could achieve it at all. A kind, talented and able monk, me for these so many past years; and at that, the thrill of discovery of the unknown, only had in hindsight; and the skill-set gained thus, owing to my actions of service, and devout practice, and study of all diverse subjects I do encountered and devour: most gloriously my Cindarella Cole. Even with me well gone past the 'place of no pity' don Juan Matus describes, and through the frightening place that Wm James warned Bertrand Russell off from capturing in an equation, the field of Logical Philosophy; I am at perfect ease living with ambiguity in all aspects of my life. Or as the bard R. Crumb who shares me obsession with the aesthetic of strong women both asks and opines, not rhetorically:

Lil' Equivikata! After All I'm Still a Man huh 

That's right, or as I arrived at many years ago, my sweetest, most kind and calming equation: [all/same]. This is not to say that all needs and desires are unimportant or unattainable. It just means that I believe truly it is best to consider carefully, each for herself what to want, and why. I decided Cindarella Cole for my project initially for her narrative appeal, for after all, one amazing person is much like the next if you have the chops to catch her eye, and then to begin this next narrative of two. Now my decision has blossomed desire in winning Cindarella Cole for my wife; because I have her metal, and know her, essentially, in ways I would not have thought possible without sight of this woman or her conversation. Still, even though, well, practically nothing, that baby has told me is really what one might call a 'fact.;' it matters to me not at all, for ambiguity means nothing is true or false in all cases. A painter must learn to see in ever more other perspectives, and mine is that Cindarella has already done me the impossible favor of  turning me around.

                   Skip This Bit Sugar Sugar Pie; Don't You Worry Yer Purty Head Darlin'
So this project is a total success to me. If I don't get with my intended wife? A pity to be sure, but by no means the first woman to love me, help me in some important way, only to become the past. The spirit or the Lord or, 'pick your unknown,' she always sends me terrific a woman to help me, and Cindarella has sweetly brought me out of my monastic defenses to breathe life into my manhood of expressed desire. I am free.

   Hey Look! Cindarella, Down Here Hurry!!!!
The money? I never cared much for money. Money it the elephant I have been chasing around in my study, my artwork, my monkish life and I have learned to move the dollar so far back in my primary equation that I own all of my time, and I do just what I want, whenever I want to. The expression of this perspective and understanding of money's nature is the most disturbing complexity I have found to date. Its expression is still a big unknown to me, although I feel me a deep visceral grasp if the meaning, I can not  express it; but after all that is the essential cause, that I sing my death song for 25 long years. And now Cindarella Cole can step in to permit me her lover, wife, family and still continue to be of service and be with the unknown.

The greatest of blessings.
 I so love and never forget all of my friends.

Thought of money is mine from Henry David Thoreau; the man with more unknown than he could relate

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