Saturday, September 10, 2011

Conversations With Osama bin Laden: Part 2.mpg


George W Butch

I don’t have to conquer the world
and a good thing too because the
sun is high in the afternoon heat and
there’s a dern ol’ bunyon on the
bottom of my foot that hurts me every
time I put ‘er down, but that’s nothing
next to the hurt the criminal G W Bush
and his low companions have wrought
upon our nation; bless their empty hearts.

When a puppet controlled by wealthy
men who care only for more, throws his
entire dedication, energy and, as it were,
soul into doing the devil’s work waging
unjust wars and fear mongering for the
benefit and profit of his masters we may
see clearly the legacy of that honest, no-
blow-job receiving President succeeding
President Clinton.

Oh well, fucked again. That is our lot as
free people. No good deed goes unpunished.
This indicated whore will retire to Texas on our
dime and surround himself with purchased
reminders of all the good that came from
his term in office. Still I can’t raise much beyond
distain for the turd because really he is all we
sorry ass Americans deserve unless we may open
our eyes with compassion, and maybe try that.
Comic Book Shaman

Perhaps this poem I wrote in agony on that date seems far from reconciliation, But we do not owe so much to our leaders who serve without honor, for sale to the highest bidder. That 'turd' Former Vice President Cheney has the gall to publish his book of distortions that prove every little thing he did was magic. He was sucking the tit of the public trust for decades on end, What did he or any of the 'fucking turds' that rule us do to deserve anything but scorn and shame? They sit in judgement of pensioners and paupers, telling lies and stirring fear and unrest among their constituency with cunning distortions.

I am loathe to comment here about political thought. Find politics addressed here, dharmas 55-71 Under Depravity. These meditations composed a decade past; speak the truth and the distortion of the nacent tea cell group; conservative movement choking our politcal system today. When I wrote this book I termed 'serving' politicians 'whores', doing any and everything for money in a marketplace where ideas could at least bid for currency. Todays fractured media reporting only 'us vs them' like swill to hogs wrapped in bogus patriotism. Repeat a lie over and over on TV and that is a spell to manufacture truth as if Red State Sneeches, "they have 50 stars upon thar's. Now the media pundits who distort on que are the whores in service of the "fucking turds" serving themselves; and NOT us in cushy little rackets they have going for them (government) not you and I much or at all.

[[[ I crawled up on bob dylans back back in 1966; standing on his shoulders and woody's too now I reckon. ]]]

Come gather around people wherever you roam
and admit that the waters around you have grown
and accept it that soon you'll be drenched to the bone
if your time to you is worth saving
Well you better start swimming or you'll sink like a stone.
'Cause the time they are a changin'.

Come writers and critics who propehecize with your pen
keep your eyes wide the chance won't come again
and don't speak too soon 'cause the wheels still in spin
and there's no tellin' who that its naming
but the loser now will be latter to win.
For the times they are a changin'.

Come congressmen, Senators please heed the call
don't stand in the doorway; don't block up the hall
for he who is hurt will be he that has stalled.
There's a storm outside ragin'
we'll soon shake your windows and rattle your halls.
For the times they are a changin'.

Come fathers and mothers throughout the land
and don't criticize what you can't understand
your sons and your daughters are beyond your command
your old road is rapidly aging
please get out of the way if you can't lend a hand
For the times they are a changin'.

The line it is drawn; the curse it is cast
the slow one now will later be fast
as the present now will later be past
the order is rapidly fading
and the first ones now will latter be last
For the times they are a changin'.

Robert Zimmerman 1964


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