Saturday, September 29, 2012

Cosmology Study Guide - part last


excerpts from Process and Reality

by Alfred North Whitehead
existence and Explanation

illustrated with Krazy Kat comic strips
by          George Herriman


Excerpts from Alfred North Whitehead's work Process and Reality with explanatory illustrations consisting of Krazy Kat comic strips by George Herriman. Footnote defining many terms

(22)   That an actual entity by functioning in respect to itself plays diverse roles in self-formation without losing its self-identity. It is self-creative; and in its process of creation transforms its diversity of roles into one coherent role. Thus ‘becoming’ is the transformation of incoherence into coherence, and in each particular instances ceases with this attainment.

(23)   That this self-functioning is the real internal constitution of an actual entity. It is the immediacy’  of  the actual entity. An actual entity is called the ‘subject’ of its own immediacy.
(24)   The functioning of one actual entity is the self-creation of another actual entity [(and) ‘is’] the ‘objectification’ of the former for the latter actual entity. The functioning of an eternal object in the self-creation of an actual entity is the ‘ingression’ of the eternal object in the actual entity.

(25)   The final phase in the process of concrescence, constituting an actual entity, is one complex, fully determinate feeling. This final phase is termed the ‘satisfaction.’ It is fully determinate  (a)  as to its genesis,  (b)  as to its objective character for the transcendent creativity, and  (c) as to its prehension—positive or negative—of every item in its universe.

 (26)   Each element in the genetic process of an actual entity has one self-consistent function, however complex, in the final satisfaction.
(27)   In a process of concrescence, there is a succession of phases in which new prehensions arise by integration of prehensions in antecedent phases. In these integrations ‘feelings’ contribute their ‘subjective forms’ and their ‘data’ to the formation of novel integral prehensions; but ‘negative prehensions’ contribute only their ‘subjective forms.’ The process continues till all prehensions are components in the one determinate integral satisfaction.

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