Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Cosmology Study Guide - first part



excerpts from Process and Reality
by Alfred North Whitehead


 illustrated with Krazy Kat comic strips 
                                               by George Herriman
a study guide by Comic Book Shaman



Process and Reality by Alfred North Whitehead; text drawn from the

Corrected Edition 1978 The Free Press Ó Respective copyright holder.

Krazy Kat by George Herriman   ÔKFS Ó Respective copyright holder.


Do Big Words Turn You Off?

Well this work by Alfred North Whitehead is the mother-load of big words used in dizzying combination and compound constructions. All for good reason, I see because generally, big words exist in the universe to express specific, complex meanings. Why use one big word when a short phrase or combination of simple words can do the job? It is because as our sentences grow longer and are composed of more words that are simple and less specific there is an ever greater potential distortion of meaning between the speaker and the audience.

I have appended footnotes defining many terms employed for my own reference in studying this work. In separate study of Whitehead and Bertrand Russell’s work Principia Mathematica, I could ‘hear’ Russell’s voice clearly in the writing from having enjoyed a number of his books. So I decided to seek out Whitehead’s writing to get a flavor of the differences of thought between these two great minds. In reading Process and Reality I can clearly see that the system described in Principia Mathematica was his basis of constructing this complex work of cosmology in organic philosophy.   

This quote from the previous work has inspired me in my metaphysical studies: “It will be found that owing to the weakness of the imagination in dealing with simple abstract ideas no very great stress can be laid upon their obviousness.“  In the study of any metaphysical system, mono-theistic religions, Eastern ethical systems like Buddhism, Hinduism etc., or secular Western philosophies one sees the metaphysics variously carried by subjective contemporary narratives meant to convey the ideas expressed. Unfortunately too often the message is altered with perceptions of the subject, because the subject is easily remembered, while the metaphysics must be assimilated into our consciousness and more our subconscious to be employed, and in doing so it may not come so easily to mind.

I hold George Herriman as the greatest American poet of the Twentieth Century, and that his medium comic strips is unsurpassed as an expressive art form. I love his work, including Krazy Kat, above all other cartoonists. I hope these strips, chosen quickly as they seemed to apply to each explanation, help enlighten them.

The Categories of Existence

There are eight Categories of Existence:

(i)           Actual Entities1 (also termed Actual Occasions) or Final Realities.
(ii)          Prehensions,2 or Concrete Facts of Relatedness.
(iii)        Nexūs (plural of Nexus3), or Public4 Matters of Fact.
(iv)        Subjective Forms, or Private5 Matters of Fact.
(v)         Eternal Objects,6 or Pure Potentials for the Specific Determination7 of Fact, or Forms of Definiteness.
(vi)        Propositions, or Matters of Fact in Potential Determination8, or Impure Potentials9 for the Specific Determination of Matters of Fact, or Theories.
(vii)      Multiplicities, or Pure Disjunctions10 or Diverse Entities.
(viii)     Contrasts, or ‘Modes of Synthesis’11 of Entities in one Prehension, or Patterned Entities.12
Among these eight categories of existence, actual entities and eternal objects stand out with a certain extreme finality. The other types of existence have a certain intermediate character. The eighth category includes an indefinite progression of categories, as we proceed from ‘contrasts’ to ‘contrasts of contrasts,’ and so on to higher grades of contrasts.
1Actual entity: a real being, material or metaphysical substance existing now or as a fact or by vivid description.
2prehensions: taking hold, grasping, mental understanding or apprehension by the senses.
3Nexus: a connected group or series as, or connected to, a center or focus.
4Public: accessible to or shared by all members of the community.
5Private: restricted to the individual or arising independently of others.
6Eternal object: an object of continuous duration including functions, data, variables and other elements that constitute the subject matter of an investigation or science.
7Specific determination: in a specific case, the act or process of determining fixed purposes, resolution, or adherence to a definite line of action.
8Potential determination: Latent, but possibly capable of anything but not an actual determination.
9Impure: mixed, adulterated, foul, or unchaste determinations.
10Disjunction: disunion, severance, alternative possibilities.
11Modes of Synthesis: manner, form, or method, one’s custom or fashion of combining parts into a whole (the opposite of analyze).
12Patterned entities: a model, example or guide one commonly applies to entities


The Categories of Explanation
There are twenty-seven Categories of Explanation

(1)     That the actual world is a process,13 and that the process is the               becoming14 of ‘actual entities.’ Thus the actual entities are creatures; they are also termed ‘actual occasions.

(2)     That in the becoming of the actual entity, the potential unity of many entities in disjunctive diversity – actual and non-actual – acquires the real unity of the one actual entity; so that the actual entity is the real concrescence15 of many potentials.

(3)     That in the becoming of an actual entity, novel16 prehensions, nexus, subjective forms, propositions, multiplicities, and contrasts, also become; but there are no ‘novel eternal.

13Process:  something going on, a continuing action or function, a series of actions or operations conducting to an end.
14Becoming:  to come into existence or to undergo change or development.
15Concrescence:  increase by the addition of pieces, a growing together or coalescence.16Novel: new and not resembling formerly known or used, original or especially striking in conception or style.
 (4)     That the potentiality for being an element in a real concrescence of many entities into one actuality is the one general metaphysical character attaching to all entities, actual and non-actual; and that every item in its universe is involved in each concrescence. In other words, it belongs to the nature of a ‘being’ that it is a potential for every ‘becoming.’ This is the ‘principle of relativity.’

              (5)  That no two actual entities originate from an identical universe; though the difference between the two universes only consists in some actual entities, included in one and not the other, and in the ‘subordinate  entities’17 which each actual entity introduces into the world. The eternal objects are the same for all actual entities. The nexus of actual entities in the universe correlate to a concrescence termed ‘the actual world’ (that) correlate to that concrescence.


(            (6)  That each entity in the universe of a given concrescence can so far as    its own nature is concerned, be implicated in the concrescence in one or    other of many modes; but in fact it is implicated only in one mode: that    the particular mode of implication is only rendered fully determinate by     that concrescence, though it is conditioned by the correlate universe.    This indetermination, rendered determinate in the real concrescence, is the meaning of ‘potentiality.’ It is a ‘conditioned  indetermination,’18  
        and is therefore called a ‘real potentiality’.19   

(7)That an eternal object can be described only in terms of its
 potentiality for ‘ingression’20 into the becoming of actual entities;
and that its analysis only discloses other eternal objects. It is a pure potential. The term ‘ingression’ refers to the particular mode in
which the potentiality of an eternal object is realized in a particular
actual entity, contributing to the definiteness of that actual entity.

17Subordinate entity:entity that is placed in, or occupying a lower class, rank, or position by       
      by the introduction of an actual entity.
18 Conditioned indetermination: existing or stipulated of a determination not precisely determined, or known in advance, or having an infinite number of solutions.
19Real potentiality:the actual ability to develop or come into existence.
20Ingression:the act, ability, power, or liberty of entrance or access.


This blog examines the metaphysical process Whitehead and Russell developed in Principia Mathematica, and which i percieve as the basis was the basis of devising the lectures that evolved into Whitehead's Process and Reality only a few years later.





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