Sunday, May 17, 2015

RACISM:Transition of Essential Power: I Become My Enemy; He is Defeated Becoming Me

Transition of Essential Power: I Become My Enemy; He is Defeated Becoming Me

Oppression, injustice, racism and violence all affect those who have felt them throughout their life in any combination or to any degree. The effects these have on every person are Post Traumatic Stress that continues relentlessly accumulating, particularly in black people in a weight of mental formations these persons must overcome to some degree every time she steps outside the insular safety of his/her home, family and circle of trust.  In this analysis I point to key factors I reckon may be seen to help all persons heal old wounds; and as tools to explore many intentions, and also misunderstandings that caused and evolved these terrible actions and events by persons in dominant culture in every time and region of the world against native, aboriginal and tribal peoples. Persons cruelly robbed of lands and wealth, kidnapped, tortured and enslaved; and transported across oceans to bondage far from their homes and cultures.

This analysis begins acknowledging that all of these actions and activities of dominant culture, in every era was in fact criminal, unjust, unprovoked and horrific. There is no justification offered or excused on the part of the vast network of co-conspirators, or even those who profited indirectly by slavery or the slave trade. To view history as malleable to modern standards of  decency, or even the perception of such; is to become forever confused about who we are today, how past events came to this pass, and what equitable reconciliation is possible.

Examination of the following elements is required to arrive at a clear narrative of the complex factors of slavery’s evolution, dissolution, attempts at covering up or discounting this abuse until this very day:

1.     Roots of slavery in commerce, technology state and private cooperation [money].
2.     Results of the slave trade in exploitation in terms of disparate civil norms, human diaspora, fear and Xenophobia.
3.     Contrasted values of anthropological, intellectual and educational perspectives.
4.     ‘Savage’ is perspective determined by where you stand.
5.     Race is merely moral justification for oppression, rape, torture and looting.
6.     Results of the disposition of wealth from enslaved and tribal persons by dominant culture.
7.     Compounded over many generations. Aggravated by extreme personal injustice.
8.     Overt reparations now in present day incendiary [as such] to entrenched interests dominant culture.
9.     Communications technology transfer astonishing new power to all persons including those formerly constrained by perceptions of their ‘race’ in education and ability to earn.
10.             Black persons, and all dispossessed peoples worldwide today may be seen as First Gen.  going forward.
11.             ‘White Privilege’ now is their own personal [situational] asserted power.
12.             A black person’s status today is determinable as athlete, performer, criminal and/or victim.
13.             Reaching parity of power going forward ;we must find common ground on desired justice, in terms of  reparations [prerogatives].
14.             Power is only individual. Reconciliation appears to be the best path to human equivalence.
15.             This equivalence implemented universally must reduce poverty to nearly nil.
16.             Departing from poverty brings security, honest ambition and opportunity.
17.            Conclusion: each human person [wherever one falls on the skin spectrum now thought of as race] must overcome mental formations in themselves formed from past P.T.S.D.  if historical injustice or its defense.
       Can we get along?”  -Rodney King

I decided that it is better not to expand these 17 metaphysical aspects of understanding #BlackLivesMatter myself, because I am at last, apart from them, no matter how intimately I have observed these factors throughout my life in the United States. I invite and request some, or any black author(s) to step in and expand any or all of these points I have isolated [or add to or correct them] from a personal experiential perspective. The world is changing all around us, and I see that the more we can reach a real understanding of concerns to reach reconciliation and human equivalence at last.

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