Monday, August 8, 2011

The Ghostdance For Children #0 Video Comic Book

The Ghostdance For Children #0
Video Comic Book

I wrote this comic book as a way to affect the brain function of it's readers. I see that all individuals have much differing facts, thoughts ideas in their minds. We tend to stick to certain comfortable ideas, and often reject truths because they contradict previous beliefs. I have found that certain techniques can present data that directly affects the brain chemestry, making connections that lay waiting in the brain that it's owner hadn't troubled to seek. No need to study this comic book, just watch it through and it's affect will begin to make the changes.

This is a long pill to swallow, nearly an hour. I meditated for a great length of time about editing, or breaking this into installments. In the end I decided it is best to present this work as one spell. I know full well that it's length will cause most people to pass it by; but to break it into short chapters would delete it's effect and turn my work to crap.

A comic book; an article of faith; a politcal manifesto; a comment on Western Cuture and Western Philosophy; an analysis of the devolution of Language; a categoric description of human thought; a spell.

This pre-Towers work has not changed in it's valdity, and in fact is supported by the events that have followed.


Comic Book Shaman

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